My Story, my Books

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How to do good to men.

A true story, mine.
Men are struck by my eyes, they find them wonderful. After all, you know that, if I enter into their desires with the sensuality of my body, it is always my gaze that kidnaps them and nails them. “How to Do Good to Men – Life and Advice of a Perfect Courtesan” is published by Einaudi and is available in bookstores and online in paper format and on Amazon in e-book format.

Review by journalist Massimo Zivelli

The bed of the successful courtesan, welcoming womb of joys, emotions, sensations, frustrations and perversions. And again: baseness and lapses in style, miserable cheating, all contrasted with sudden flashes of grandiose belonging to a world in slow decline but still capable of regenerating itself at the source of Love. As in a complicated puzzle, it is Love, spiritually material, sexually physical and cloaked in voluptuous contact, which with its great energy gives sex a vital drive. Bedroom psychologist and artist, non-cynical feminist and indeed - precisely for this reason - hopelessly humanist, BlueAngy is the extraordinary teacher, author and writer who in her first work (the title was eloquent, "How to do good to men" - Einaudi Editore ) paints with strong brushstrokes, the irreversible crisis of male sexual power, highlighting the behavior of "his" men to arrive not at the antagonistic denigration of the millennial supremacist idol, but rather at cultivating that cathartic reflection which - alone - overcomes the fence mentally and emotionally taken for granted, of "men who hate women". Or that sometimes, even unconsciously, they do everything (absolutely everything...) to make women hate them. Escort by her choice of work and pleasure life, but at the same time also a wife and mother who always tries to be responsible, BlueAngy places herself alongside "her" men, describing herself without taboos in the first person. Without veils therefore, retracing through a skilled literary narrative, defeats and victories, burning disappointments and immense joys, in her becoming a woman naturally inclined to love the human race in every sense. The I merges into the Whole. BlueAngy is a woman who embodies "the Woman". Weak and strong at the same time, but always balanced and aware, the Woman that BlueAngy embodies, often knows she is making mistakes, in the awareness that only in this way, by making mistakes, can one arrive at those brilliant intuitions that invariably lead to great moments, to unmissable appointments with Life. Faith in Humanity, hope in a better future and then, energy. That extraordinary strength that generated in her a thought based on philosophical and moral positivism. BlueAngy knows she has a great mission of Love in her life, probably the last among the representatives of Humanistic thought. BlueAngy is the little girl who still marvels with joy at the wonders of Life and Love. A late but therefore even more wonderful approach to that joy that she lived latently due to the fault of her family and society while she was still a child. And so, the escort, the courtesan that everyone certainly desires in the bed but that few would deserve to bring - with the pride that she deserves - at their side, shows the stigmata of that human, moral and intellectual greatness, the prerogative of those who have known put Love before everything and everyone. And the story of himself and of the other flows. Of a woman proud of her sensuality, of her predisposition to give pleasure while taking pleasure, and above all of a woman who knows well what men need to improve their mental and physical well-being. In everything she writes and expresses in this sublime book which had such success in its first edition, BlueAngy must therefore be read with that "voracious attention of the soul" which brings the mind and spirit closer to the dimension of the Woman.

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Review by journalist Paolo Gatto

In a book the most famous escort in Italy, perfect lover and perhaps a brand The life of a luxury escort, her contradictions, reflections and her professional and sexual experiences around the world full immersion in the international jet set: these are the themes and motifs that make an autobiographical book from a few years ago published by Einaudi still relevant: "How to do good to men, life and advice of a perfect courtesan", author BlueAngy. Even if the topic is what you can imagine and the events are set among mannered alcoves and intimate nudity, the writing has style, class and depth and there is nothing prurient, dirty or vulgar in the entire narrative. The author fluently talks about herself, from when she was a child in Hungary, already beautiful at that time, to when she began to excel without rivals in the oldest profession in the world among billionaires of every kind who inexorably go haywire as soon as her "dance" begins. of the serpent”, or “of the devil”, and from whom he habitually conquers the wallet and even the credit card by their free will. In less than 150 pages, serious and discreet, there are crude and carnal scenes, sometimes even comical, and characters who at the cost of thousands of euros for a single encounter or "service" believe they are buying like a bar of soap or any other object in for sale the blue angel, the blue-eyed Italian-Hungarian blonde with the cobra-like gaze who hypnotizes and leads every wealthy customer (or the worker who has collected the money month after month) to realize the secret dream of his intimacy. The array of characters is impressive, starting with the parish priest, at the time of Catholic childhood, who rummages, with his sinful hands full of perverse lust, under the underwear of the then innocent little girl instead of entering into ecstasy and prayer in front of the infantile beauty, an earthly and tangible sign of the greatness and divine beauty transfused on a child's face. When she grows up, the author will find herself in contact with another prelate who will pay her handsomely in a famous Milanese nightclub and "come", as usually happened to him, in the middle of the audience and in his trousers with deafening music in the background. A small detail: the 2 million lire of the "benefit" (currently 1000 euros, to be revalued, ed.) had been collected in the parish for charitable works. The rest of the human sample of VIPs passing through the sheets of BlueAngy are personalities from politics, entertainment, sport, the world of industry and services. Rendered camouflaged, unrecognizable by the writer. Is there also the environment of the now "historic" bunga-bunga? Whoever reads will see. However, there are many billionaires in dollars or euros: Americans, Arabs, Europeans and of course Italians, all owners of personal planes, yachts equipped with helicopters, hundreds of luxurious cars of all colours, endless villas and farms with parks, swimming pools, heliports, countless outbuildings and so on. All in transit or sedentary for a certain period in the blonde Author's bed. There are also two husbands, married clumsily due to weakness or by mistake, who abuse alcohol, drugs, and she who invariably receives bruises and blows which are followed by separations and divorces. In short, “How to do good to men” is not a boring read. Despite everything, BlueAngy seeks Love, the important one; it is his dream, his daily thought. But she knows that in the golden cage she has built to save herself from the violence of the street and the world there cannot be what she lacks and needs. What advice do you give women to make men happy? What advice do you give men to help them understand the key to their happiness-unhappiness? The author of this book also tries to answer these questions from her angle of observation and in the light of her life experience which, rather than closing, opens a debate on ever-alive and current topics which concern, without hypocrisy, none other than the oldest problem in the world: that of happiness.

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Review by a friend

The autobiography of BlueAngy, the stage name of a Hungarian professional escort (but resident in Italy for years), differs in the delicacy of the language and in the broader and more varied perspective than the average. Like many of these books, "How to do good to men", a misleading title from a Kama Sutra manual, is a sort of intimate diary written in the first person, which claims to tell without hesitation the world of luxury prostitution and its clients ; but unlike usual, the concessions to the prurient and/or morbid are reduced to a minimum, the erotic fantasies of the men known by the entreneuse barely mentioned, the "dirty words" reserved just for the mischievous angelic demonic incipit. So what is "How to do good to men" about? Mainly about us, about our society. In fact, it is no coincidence that one of the recurring figures in the book is that of the mirror, a revealing act not only of looking at oneself, but of the reflection that immerses us in everyday reality: and so while the protagonist recalls her difficult childhood, her love failures, a perhaps compromised relationship with his daughter, portraits of men and women emerge in which it is easy, however bitter, to recognize vices and defects of human nature, with which we reluctantly would like to identify. Of course we men, alas, don't make a good impression on ourselves, petty, narcissistic, vain, violent, insecure, fundamentally foolish. Yet it cannot be said that it is a book against male nature, on the contrary, despite everything, an unassailable love emerges from the author for these miserable and somewhat pathetic creatures, with the firmness and determination to finally find among them, the longed-for true love with which to build a family. But if the men emerge with broken bones, the female figures are certainly no better, from the mother described as cold and indifferent, to the clients' wives, who out of opportunism, despite knowing their husbands' betrayals, pretend nothing happened, passing as the showgirls and the starlets, who want to meet powerful men who can facilitate their career in the world of entertainment, ending with the escort colleagues, incapable of abandoning themselves to love and willing to give up their career only in front of well-off and wealthy men who they can keep them. In short, the many stories told and experienced firsthand would be fertile ground for making a compelling television series; not only that, for sure, with the next book, there are already other stories to tell and represent.

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Sex, Love and Freedom.

The book is a real journey aimed at revitalizing Love, through a conscious and shared practice of Sex, which enhances the liberation of the modern couple from taboos and religious, moralistic and social coercions. A woman is free only when she is aware of her possibilities. Conquering freedom does not only mean emerging from mental and material subjection to the male world imposed by tradition, but also knowing how to make one's intelligence available to others. The Author is an intimate and discreet mediator, a woman who tells her story - beyond her profession - in life she is a tutor, friend, confidant and advisor to couples who risk "breaking up", living with betrayals or indifference, while they can learn to re-explore the paths of pleasure, in the common desire to make your love relationship flourish again.

Review by

Intimate, discreet, free mediator and, even more importantly, aware of her possibilities. This is the woman who emerges from the pages of BlueAngy's new book, “Sex, love and liberation”, coming out from Dario Flaccovio Editore. Her freedom, which does not only materialize against the mental and material subjection traditionally imposed by the male world, allows her to put her intelligence at the service of others. The others, in this book, are the people that BlueAngy talks about and helps in their love life as a friend, tutor and confidant, as well as advisor to couples who risk breaking up because they are entangled in betrayals that are difficult to accept, or even worse in the most total mutual indifference. Here, then, a woman can become a precious figure to begin to re-explore the paths of pleasure, in the common desire to make a love relationship now extinct flourish again. “Sex, love and liberation” (Dario Flaccovio Editore) is a serious and informed guide, aimed at both women and men who are looking for new ways to consolidate a relationship as a couple beyond any taboo and social respectability. The advice of an exceptional maitresse like BlueAngy, capable of living with satisfaction, pride and self-awareness, is based precisely on overcoming hypocrisies and on the adoption of a new philosophy that can change the reader's life forever: that of well-being, joy, and enthusiasm for every aspect of existence. Starting, why not, from the love and sexual one. "Writing this book – explains the author – was a way to reflect on my way of being: the responsibility for my actions, as well as all my conscious choices, have entailed and always entail a price to pay. Many, on the contrary, prefer the path of hypocrisy, which unfortunately seems to be the main path of contemporary times. By doing so they remove themselves from their own existence and from that natural mechanism which is, instead, aimed at full self-realization. My book brings total sincerity in revealing experiences and reflections that can be of help to those who do not know their own worth, but who wish to emerge from the confusion of cultures, preconceptions and difficulties they face, rediscovering complicity in love ." The author BlueAngy (pseudonym) is the modern vestal of Free Sex and Transgression. An appreciated courtesan, she made her "art" an extraordinary tool at the service of a life philosophy based on the search for happiness as a couple based on complicity. In 2009 he published the book “How to do good for men. Life and advice of a perfect courtesan” with Einaudi Editore.

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Review by journalist Paolo Gatto

In this book "inferiority" of women and unfinished sexual liberation. “Sex, Love and Liberation, complicity beyond every taboo for the couple to live happily in the times of unfaithful love”, by BlueAngy, is a book containing many sets of very personal and intimate thoughts, even “values” and public reflections and reasoning of the "most famous escort in Italy", as the Author was defined a few years ago, who precisely because of her activity has the opportunity to observe from within the unfinished sexual liberation and the contradictions of unfaithful love. The book, in a certain sense a continuation of "How to do good to men, life and advice of a perfect courtesan" published a few years ago by Einaudi, is for the author the tool to tell her story once again and speak in the first person, with light yet profound tones, of the themes that as a woman and a person are closest to her heart: happiness, the relationship between couples and between the sexes, love, loves, eroticism, sexuality, pleasure, betrayals, marital crises, separations, their possible recompositions, jealousies, gender differences, freedom, respect, loyalty and sincerity in relationships, the condition of women, the "oldest profession in the world" and its possible evolution or extinction in an "other" society, and much more. On the level of customs, the liberation of women which many still consider the private property of the male partner in the context of a couple's relationship has still remained unfinished for BlueAngy. According to BlueAngy, women still have "an unexpressed human potential". However, this potential is for now thwarted "by the impulse to compete with men on their own behavioral terrain". This is extremely negative: "Copying typically male attitudes in the hope of pursuing what we care about inevitably leads to failure." Unfortunately, it is a fact that women in their mutual personal and working relationships "seem to be afflicted by the disease of competition and jealousy". The path to their liberation passes, according to BlueAngy, from this certainty that will probably remain a utopia: "If women coalesced into an antagonistic power group", she writes, "they would be a real power". From these premises comes the negative judgment on current "political" women: "Women in politics have very often appeared to me as those who sell out their femininity for the benefit of a surrogate of male-like power." This being the case, the construction of "a more equitable and less warmongering form of society" remains unfortunately precluded for now. Over the course of the almost 190 pages that make up the book, profiles and stories of men, women, friends, clients, lovers, acquaintances, escorts are presented, appropriately interspersed with each other, who all together, just over 60, give the pulse of the situation, of the joys and existential anguish currently experienced by many couples. Some suggestions appear here and there to make your appearance more pleasant and your psycho-physical well-being more gratifying as well as some "advice for happiness" and for recomposing couple crises. Some of these are daring, others are at least questionable. “Sex, Love and Liberation” lends itself to multiple reading levels. It can be considered a very personal confession of a highly successful escort, her liberating and courageous speaking out loud, polite and uninhibited, or a document, the testimony of an existence, an imprint to be deciphered placed with love and with sensitivity available to contemporaries and posterity, whether curious or scholars.

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A reader's reflection

I met Angy no more than three weeks ago and from the beginning she gave me a sense of competence and humanity that very few people have. The agreement was as if it had happened through a nod of the head and I immediately understood how she decided to respect me as a friend and as her future colleague, almost as if it were she who chose me and not I who was looking for her; In fact, I came to Angy full of doubts and questions through her first book and she was promptly able to listen to me. In “Love, sex and liberation” - the second book of the same which she asked me to read and about which she wanted this little personal reflection to arise - Angy does not simply speak to those who choose to be an escort, but speaks as a woman revealing her meaning of freedom, the difficulties he finds in living socially and lovingly, the life choice he has made by calibrating the pros and cons. His second book is a written testament and a praise to true love for others and above all for oneself, channeled and respected in the different people and situations he has encountered throughout his professional life. Angy feels in balance in this writing: “making it is always a deeply subjective question relative to the person we are. […] If they ask me, for example, if I am happy, I answer yes. The reason lies in the fact that I am, or feel, a fulfilled person, I have achieved that precious balance that is created when you accept the randomness of life and work hard to reverse its unwanted effects"; Precisely for this reason he is able to advise and look at the lives of colleagues and clients with pure realism, expressing his personal opinion about their feeling of being women and men. The fundamental pillars for making any relationship work emerge clearly as you delve deeper into reading: transparency, common sense, freedom. Angy carries out her work with the same people, she is in fact an atypical escort since she is a woman who, even before thinking about profit, feels that she is carrying out her work for a noble and social purpose and her activism is the fulfillment and purpose of her writing itself. His sincerity is put in black and white and mistakes and flawed thoughts that he has had and which he has strenuously overcome throughout his career shine through, within a job so close to his personal and private life: perhaps it doesn't exist at world a profession that requires such deep immersion from an emotional point of view. Hers is not a simple life and this book is nothing other than a praise and a redemption of herself and of the entire category of women to whom she gives voice with a writing so fine, but raw and linear to which only the mature thought of a free woman can arrive. Thank you Angy for giving me the opportunity to find many more answers than I expected and for opening up new questions that I didn't even think I would have access to. It will be a book that I will reread whenever I feel the need, always with me.

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Eros that binds me: Love that unleashes me. All the weakness of an Escort.

The book is a real journey aimed at revitalizing Love, through a conscious and shared practice of Sex, which enhances the liberation of the modern couple from religious, moralistic and social taboos and coercions. A woman is free only when she is aware of her possibilities. Conquering freedom does not only mean emerging from mental and material subjection to the male world imposed by tradition, but also knowing how to make one's intelligence available to others. The Author is an intimate and discreet mediator, a woman who tells her story - beyond her profession - in life she is a tutor, friend, confidant and advisor to couples who risk "breaking up", living with betrayals or indifference, while they can learn to re-explore the paths of pleasure, in the common desire to make your love relationship flourish again.

Review by journalist Massimo Zivelli

'Oh... l'Amour'!. No surprise in discovering that SHE too, the 'Teacher', the 'Coach', pleasantly entrusts her body and soul to the warm and fluctuating waves of passion and feeling that moves and determines everything in our lives. She, who has always worked hard to make "men feel good" (oops!... isn't this perhaps a reference to her first, successful book?) and always She, who at the same time works hard to make people understand not only to Men but also to Women the importance (and we are already at its second ...) of physical and psychological "Sex as Liberation", and also to you, who by her nature and also due to the inevitable cruel realities of life has chosen the difficult role of the courtesan, speaks of the great and irrepressible strength of Love. Of the Divinity which, by its meaning "priestess of living in harmony", confesses to always guarding and safeguarding. And so it is that the finally rediscovered Love (the intense and reciprocated one for her Patrick) represents the underlying theme of this third novel of life, around which other themes also develop. There is the return of philosophical concepts such as polyamory. And then the new elements: the discovery of virtual sex in the midst of the corona virus pandemic, and that of the sublime pleasure that can also come from lesbian relationships. This time the reader will find himself faced with a narrative that is certainly faster than the previous two, but no less interesting from the point of view of the psychological introspection of all the actors called by the Author to interpret their roles on the stage of Life.

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Reader's review

“I finished the book! And I loved it. It was very engaging and I couldn't put it down! It was similar to your last few books, but equally insightful, and I really liked that this one was even more autobiographical about your recent life and filled in the gaps to the questions I asked myself while reading your last two books. I learned so much through your pages, but I still had some unanswered questions (for example, about your daughter and also your opinions on love and even sex with other sex etc.) but this book fills in those blanks so well. It is also brilliantly written and brings the reader closer to you as a woman, writer and lover! I learned so much about myself and it is very rare that you find me so d I agree with an author. At times I felt like you took my thoughts/points of view and put them on a page in an intelligent, coherent and concise way.... well done! I think it's a book for all ages, but I find that as I get older and know myself better, your books resonate more and more with me. To conclude, can I just thank you for sharing your beautiful mind and soul with me, it was a pleasure to read such a wonderful piece of literature. A thousand thanks! I would also add that writing three books is incredible and something you probably didn't imagine as a 17-year-old girl and maybe you got everything you wanted, but I feel like you're still missing something in your book...".

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Review by a friend

I read your book in one go, then reread the salient parts. It's well written, it's a quick and gripping read. Certainly also because I was interested in getting to know your person intimately, in perceiving every nuance of your story. And so I found answers to some situations that had raised questions in me at the time. Well, I'm happy for you and that you're living your love story, I confess that I'm also envious: I too hoped to experience sex with all the love of my soul, with my heart and head. I'm a little dazed, your words swirl in my head, a thousand questions arise... But I've always known that your femininity is an exquisitely tuned harmonic instrument, with a thousand sounds and a thousand colors. There is nothing to be done, women in any case dominate us in the many aspects of everyday life, they have a sensitivity elevated to the nth degree, we men chase with difficulty...

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The Escort in love.

2023, the Internet is the new God, the one who intertwines our destinies. This is also the case for Angela, a luxury escort by profession.
What is an escort? Just a sex machine, and consequently money machine? A body capable of satisfying otherwise unsatisfied desires? A "service" to humanity, masculine, obviously, but not only. All true, all right.
Is it superfluous to say that an escort is also a woman? No, because too often this detail is forgotten. Angela doesn't forget it, longing for love to the point of falling in love too frequently with the best clients. With Mike, however, it went further. She is attracted to him like no one else and this is a problem for those who have dedicated their lives to the pleasure of others. The emotional worries, the expectations, the suffering that accompanies every difficult love begin. And the promises, the ones that aren't kept. How much harm do they do? This is not the usual itchy story, it is a real story, it is for everyone, women and men, to understand, to immerse themselves in a world that is easy to judge, difficult to manage.
How did that “Lord” say? Let him cast the first stone…

At the moment only available in the original language (Italian).

Review by journalist Paolo Gatto

BlueAngy, the escort writer translated into English, returns to the bookstore with a sweet torment of love. “La escort innamorata” by the escort writer BlueAngy, Edizioni Brè, 124 pages, €12.00 arrives in bookstores and on Amazon, after the now famous “Come fare del bene agli uomini. Vita e consigli di una cortigiana perfetta” published by Einaudi and after two other books published respectively by Flaccovio and Eroscultura. BlueAngy's books have recently been translated into English. The narration of "La escort innamorata" unfolds in the form of an intimate diary from the time of the lockdown (April 2021) until October 2023 and tells a glimpse of the daily, existential and amorous reality of a woman who is now experienced and Always beautiful, BlueAngy, who for events narrated in her previous books practices the so-called luxury prostitution. The beauty and charm of BlueAngy are such, even now after having passed the "forties", that they are still today as yesterday appreciated and well paid by many men who have desired her and desire her by possessing her for the time, short or not so short, agreed according to the rate. Not infrequently these are clients who do not pay exclusively for sexual pleasure. It happens that they need "comfort, tenderness". They are "lost men, longing for love". And BlueAngy, Angela, also needs true love, “sincere caresses”. She talks about this search in her latest book, making her heart and soul vibrate as well as her body, shameless, pulsating with unbridled passion and sexuality. Longing for love, she sincerely tells with tenderness her little great search for happiness and companionship. The story unfolds between online cognitive approaches, on social media that have invaded every space of our lives and overturned all habits, and real, carnal encounters, among which one, in London, is different. It seems different. Perhaps true love. Between London trips, returns, travels, intense sexual work, doubts, a real “story” seems to be born with the Scrooge on duty. Maybe it’s the right time to settle down, even to stop being an escort. In different ways and in different contexts, two formidable ones come to mind films that made history. One Hollywood, the other Italian: “Pretty Women” and the unforgettable “Nights of Cabiria”, a Fellini masterpiece in which the economic and socio-cultural level was very low, we could say the lowest. But the desire to get out of it, from the life of a prostitute and the illusion of having found the solution, were very human, dignified and very high. In her book BlueAngy lays bare, as usual, all her interiority and the fragilities never denied. She fights and questions herself about the opportunity that chance, life, seems to have given her: the happiness of love, a life together with a sort of English lord, filthy rich, magnanimous in designer gifts and "rates" of the utmost respect. Among a thousand contradictions, with more than one trip from Rome to London and back, the courage of the writer finds the way to accept the "true" reality and continue the difficult search for what fate denies her due to the contradictions of life: gifted with sublime beauty, arouses desire but not true love. Perhaps the search should go beyond the circle of customers. Perhaps, who knows.

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Review by Influencer Mafalda De Simone

"The escort in love" is not just an autobiographical novel, but a journey into the human soul, its frailties and contradictions. BlueAngy, with a sincere and enveloping writing style, takes us through her story, telling the most intimate side of a profession that is often misunderstood and judged. What strikes us from the very first pages is the authentic and reflective tone with which the author tells her story, without indulging in easy stereotypes or self-pity. Her experience goes beyond the mere narration of a profession and becomes an investigation into the dynamics of human relationships, the need for love and recognition. His gaze, never cynical, delicately rests on the emotions, expectations and disappointments that every encounter brings with it. The book is an interweaving of passion and vulnerability, of conscious choices and moments of deep introspection. BlueAngy does not just narrate, but invites the reader to look beyond appearances, to question prejudices and conventions, and to recognise that love, in its many forms, is often more complex than we want to believe. "The Escort in Love" is an intense novel, written with elegance and sensitivity. A work that does not leave you indifferent, that shakes you up and makes you reflect, opening up a space for dialogue on issues of great emotional and social depth.

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Review by a reader

The Escort in Love: Diary of a Special Woman is the fourth compelling book by BlueAngy, a bold and intimate exploration of love, desire, and self-discovery. Breaking stereotypes, she shares her deeply personal journey through relationships that transcend mere physicality, offering a rare and thought-provoking glimpse into the emotional complexity of her world. Poetic, raw, and intensely human, this memoir will challenge your perceptions and stay with you long after the last page! Don’t miss this extraordinary story-get your copy today and step into BlueAngy’s world!

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Review by a reader

La escort innamorata is a surprising novel that perfectly combines the pleasure of a relaxing read with the depth of themes that invite reflection. Although at first glance it may seem like a light story, the book subtly challenges you to reflect on love, independence and social perceptions. The characters are well-defined and the story quickly involves you, maintaining a balance between emotion, seduction and introspection. As you read, you realize that it is not only an entertaining novel, but also a work that opens new perspectives on life and the choices we make. If you are looking for a compelling book, but also capable of making you see the world from another perspective, La escort innamorata is the perfect choice!

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Escort, Life Coach, Writer, Luxury Counselor. I am a woman who dared to make her beauty a talent, and who over the years has grown professionally and humanly to become a point of reference for those looking for an elegant, sensual, intelligent and complicit lover.