In this book "inferiority" of women and unfinished sexual liberation. “Sex, Love and Liberation, complicity beyond every taboo for the couple to live happily in the times of unfaithful love”, by BlueAngy, is a book containing many sets of very personal and intimate thoughts, even “values” and public reflections and reasoning of the "most famous escort in Italy", as the Author was defined a few years ago, who precisely because of her activity has the opportunity to observe from within the unfinished sexual liberation and the contradictions of unfaithful love. The book, in a certain sense a continuation of "How to do good to men, life and advice of a perfect courtesan" published a few years ago by Einaudi, is for the author the tool to tell her story once again and speak in the first person, with light yet profound tones, of the themes that as a woman and a person are closest to her heart: happiness, the relationship between couples and between the sexes, love, loves, eroticism, sexuality, pleasure, betrayals, marital crises, separations, their possible recompositions, jealousies, gender differences, freedom, respect, loyalty and sincerity in relationships, the condition of women, the "oldest profession in the world" and its possible evolution or extinction in an "other" society, and much more. On the level of customs, the liberation of women which many still consider the private property of the male partner in the context of a couple's relationship has still remained unfinished for BlueAngy. According to BlueAngy, women still have "an unexpressed human potential". However, this potential is for now thwarted "by the impulse to compete with men on their own behavioral terrain". This is extremely negative: "Copying typically male attitudes in the hope of pursuing what we care about inevitably leads to failure." Unfortunately, it is a fact that women in their mutual personal and working relationships "seem to be afflicted by the disease of competition and jealousy". The path to their liberation passes, according to BlueAngy, from this certainty that will probably remain a utopia: "If women coalesced into an antagonistic power group", she writes, "they would be a real power". From these premises comes the negative judgment on current "political" women: "Women in politics have very often appeared to me as those who sell out their femininity for the benefit of a surrogate of male-like power." This being the case, the construction of "a more equitable and less warmongering form of society" remains unfortunately precluded for now. Over the course of the almost 190 pages that make up the book, profiles and stories of men, women, friends, clients, lovers, acquaintances, escorts are presented, appropriately interspersed with each other, who all together, just over 60, give the pulse of the situation, of the joys and existential anguish currently experienced by many couples. Some suggestions appear here and there to make your appearance more pleasant and your psycho-physical well-being more gratifying as well as some "advice for happiness" and for recomposing couple crises. Some of these are daring, others are at least questionable. “Sex, Love and Liberation” lends itself to multiple reading levels. It can be considered a very personal confession of a highly successful escort, her liberating and courageous speaking out loud, polite and uninhibited, or a document, the testimony of an existence, an imprint to be deciphered placed with love and with sensitivity available to contemporaries and posterity, whether curious or scholars.
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